SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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🎿 We are skiing for a three-day weekend. On this day, we just moved. When I arrived at the inn, my friends had already made it, so I chipped away... drank a little bit... there and then at my own pace💦. I opened my own bottle of Collage, which is a shame for the third bottle, but for me it was the first one of the day 😊. I think it's a good Collage. It has a good balance of richness and sweetness. I'm not sure if it's the "sweetness" that comes first, but I'm not sure I have the vocabulary to say it's sweet and tasty 😆. The second picture is Takachiyo, which left me with only one glass. It came very sukkah, but it was delicious and strong enough not to be defeated on its own. Everyone went to bed, so W entered the first Mahjong 🀄️ of the season. When I realized I lost, or something like that 🤣.
あねさんさん、こんにちは♪ コメント失礼します🙇‍♂️スキー🎿と冩楽🍶のワードに反応してしまいました😳 冩楽を持参とは素晴らしいです👍 今年はスキー場☃️は最高ですね♪ お気をつけて楽しんでください😊
Good morning, Muro 😁. Are you going skiing😊Yes, the snow quality this year is very good and fun. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go to the same place as the other people.