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EmishikiSensation Blue
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Laughing Four Seasons for the first time in a long time. I've never seen such a blue label before. And it was cheaper than I expected. It was cheaper than I expected...about 1600 yen, I think. I had an image of Shiki being a bit more expensive, but... and then I opened the bottle. It was very sweet and clear. Delicious as always. I guess that's what happens when the rice is polished to 50%. A little too clean... The impression is not too flashy, but the clear impression is strong... maybe too strong... Certainly a blue image (laughs) Is there another color? If there is a different color, I would like to try it. It's a high level, delicious drink to begin with😄. Noteworthy 😘.
Good evening, Mr. Sakenori 🌙 Sensation, we have white, black and other colors as well................................they are all delicious and cosy so I recommend them😊.
Pon-chan. I knew it was a color series 😉. It's certainly a good costumizer and I'd like to try the other ones 🤔. Great 😁.