SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Akabu魂ノ大業 大吟醸大吟醸
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For a moment, I felt the distinctive smell of koji. No tingling sensation. To be honest, I don't like the flavor. It might make me angry, but koji? An old barn? I found it subtle... It is moderately sweet and a little thick. It feels like it's growing on its own. It is easy to drink, with less of the ersatz feeling at the back of the tongue that I personally dislike in sake. By the second day, the smell of koji had subsided, and the sake had become a delicious, easy-to-drink sake with a thick, moderate sweetness. On the third day, it became even more fruity and delicious. 3.3/5 -> 4.1/5 -> 4.4/5