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Manozuruトリコローレ ベルドゥーラ純米吟醸生酒
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田中 楽
In January 2019, as the second drink of the day at Shibuya's Toramikan, I was served with chicken nanban... or, for sake lovers, chicken nanban is an accompaniment to... The brewer is Obata Sake Brewery in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture. Manotsuru" is the company's main brand. This junmai ginjo is made from 100% Gohyakumangoku produced on Sado Island. This sake celebrates the transition from the Heisei era to the 2025 era. It is bottled in a green bottle, perhaps in reference to its "Verdura" (green) name. Rosso (red)" is also on sale and is packaged in a red bottle. Bianco (white)" is a junmai activated nigori sake. The bottle was white, of course. (Reference) https://toshihikosato.livedoor.blog/archives/51819398.html (company's website) https://www.obata-shuzo.com/home/