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Azumamine鸛 純米大吟醸 雄町 無濾過純米大吟醸無濾過
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This sake is brewed by Azumamine Shuzo in Iwate Prefecture. I don't think I've had many sake breweries from Iwate. The label on the Taxi Driver was impressive, but the 😁specs are quite promising, so I'm excited to open the bottle🍀. The aroma is a sweet banana-like scent. In the mouth, the taste is sharper than the aroma suggests. The sweetness is the base of the whole taste, but it's not too assertive and it kicks in nicely. It's good 🎵. I didn't feel like there was anything that would go well with this in terms of food, but I found myself drinking it and it was gone. It's strange.... Azumamine Stork Junmai Daiginjo Omachi unfiltered Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 degrees