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kamosu mori純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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I had been curious about this sake for a while. Immediately after pouring it into a glass, I thought there was no gas because the bubbles did not rise. After watching it for a while, fine bubbles appeared and slowly rose in the slightly thickened golden color, which combined with the brand name created a fantastic atmosphere. It was like watching a snow globe in reverse, a slow and mysterious time. Since it was served at 5°C, the aroma was modest, but the taste was floral and sweet. It tastes of juicy and sour fruits such as pineapple and muscatel. The soft gasiness adds a freshness to the wine that makes you want to drink more. [Postscript.] The next day, the gas was gone, but I noticed some nigorigo. It seems that I drank only the top clearings yesterday. In the latter half of the bottle, the fruity flavor was combined with a yogurt-like acidity, and it tasted like a dessert.