山の壽宗像日本酒プロジェクト 純米酒 山田錦 おりがらみなま
It seems to be one of the rarest products in the mountain of Kotobuki. The oriki is quite thin.
The aroma is mild. There is just a hint of grape or rummy.
When it is included, it has a beautiful, slightly sugary sweetness, and a grape or lemon-like acidity that is quite strong. The sharpness rapidly pulls up as the bitterness becomes quite strong.
On the third day, it is heated to 40°C (104°F). The lemon-like acidity is strong, followed by a momentary expansion of sweetness, then again bitterness and a sharp finish. The sweetness is more pronounced when heated, and the bitterness is a little milder.
It is a modern light type of sake, but it does not have strong characteristics and seems rather ordinary. The sweetness is not strong, and the acidity and bitterness are the main characteristics.
There is not much difference between cold and warmed sake.