SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I visited roadside stations in Uchiko Town and Yawatahama City in Ehime Prefecture. I bought fresh seafood at "Doya Market" adjacent to the roadside station "Minatto" in Yawatahama City, bought log shiitake mushrooms at the roadside station "Karari" in Uchiko Town, and procured Uchiko sake at a liquor store, also in Uchiko Town. A woman on her own! What a great name! As nice a name as "@Cup Girl" by Narimasa Sake Brewery, which has been posted a lot lately! ❤ The toji at Sake Roku Shuzo brewed this sake for women ...... with tenderness and love, and it says "I'm sure it will take you on a wonderful dream journey tonight. It is mild and smooth 🎵. The Uchiwa prawns and tiger prawns we procured at the Doya market are also fantastic! We enjoyed it while mumbling to ourselves without hesitation 😆👍👍 lol! It is a delicious sake with a good flavor, moderate alcohol content, and really mild and suitable for women.
Good evening, Mr. BEAT🌙 Great name for your drink! In addition to talking to myself, I read your wonderful dream road 😆 with many laughs (excuse me 💦). I look forward to your posts every time 🎶.
BEAT, congrats on your decision. I was wondering about your name 😁. Sometimes when I'm shopping while talking to myself, I start a conversation with someone who was nearby 😹𐤔
Hi Pon 😆✋! I love the name! 💕I can chit-chit while pondering and by the time I'm done, I'll be on a wonderful dream road 😂👍✨.
Eirin, nice to hear you talk to yourself 😆👍I also like to share my own stories with others! LOL!
Good evening 🌝 I've heard of this one, but but I've never seen it before, so I was quite curious! I've never seen it before, so I was quite curious! I've never seen it before, so I was very curious about it! I've never seen it before, so I was very curious about it. It's the best luxury 👍
Good evening, abibuta-san. Yokota Sake Shop was open on the 1st after remodeling 👍They had all the Kyo Hinamis 👍. I want to drink Galaxy Railroad someday! LOL!