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Glorious Mt.Fujiおりがらみ 暁乃翼 甘口純米酒無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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酒縁 しょう榮
Tonight we have to leave the restaurant in two hours, so we made a plan for which to drink and how much to drink! There are many things in today's recommendations that I'm interested in, so I'm going to give priority to these! And I'll limit myself to about 2 cups of each type of sake. Then I think I can find what I want to drink! Eikoufuji, which I didn't dare to drink at Ayatsuru Bar I had never had Akono-Yoku so I asked for it! The wife is turning the bottle over and stirring it! It was nigori-style and ogara-mi! The second course started with ogorami! I like ogoragami, don't you? Not too sweet, not too sour Not too sweet, not too sour, just the right balance of deliciousness! Freshly fried oysters! A perfect match! The acidity of the tartar sauce and the sweetness of the hot fried oysters! and delicious sake! It's the best! extensive knowledge Specific name: Junmai-shu Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Alcohol content: 16.5 Sake degree: -7.0 Acidity: 1.4 Rice: Haenuki Rice polishing ratio: 65 Condition: Nama-shu