SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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We've run out of sake at home. So I looked around to see if there was anything I could find, and came across some sake I'd received as a souvenir. This is the pattern I usually follow when I get a gift from someone who doesn't know much about sake or isn't interested in it, but I thought it was probably too subtle... but I had no other choice, so I decided to take it. I'm really sorry for giving it to you, but I can't help it. I don't think you're reading this, so I'll be honest with you. Opening the bottle. It's not very classy to write "phantom sake" yourself. And what is written as "phantom" is usually not a phantom. It's sold at souvenir shops. The sake that is truly fantastic is digested without being known locally. Anyway, I'll have it. ...Yeah, well, yeah. It tastes like that, doesn't it? I don't want to go into too much detail, because I don't think the people who post here will buy it, but it's kind of unique. If you want to get drunk, this is for you. I don't know any other Gosho Izumi! Maybe that's why this is the only one that's different. Also, I have my preferences, you know? Those of you who are involved, please don't be offended if you read this. It wasn't for me. I'll drink it up now that I've opened it, though.