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EmishikiSensation 白ラベル生酒おりがらみ
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楽食楽飲 ゆきや
And here is the second house. Ooooooo! There was the "Laughing Four Seasons" that I had always wanted to drink! I am so happy! I hope you can spend your days laughing with sake in each of the four seasons. It's a wonderful name, isn't it? Just looking at the kanji characters for "four seasons of laughter" makes me happy. It is very fresh. Gentle sweetness and sourness. Very tasty. I would like to buy it in bottles next time!
Good evening, Mr. Pekkaal 🦉. I also drank this one for the first time in a while😊It's easy to drink and tastes great! It's also cosy, so please drink it at home🎶.
Thanks for your comment, Pon! It seems like there are so many different kinds of Laughing Four Seasons too! I would like to look for them at the store!