After drinking Tomiou's Yamahai at the event, I decided to buy it for sure, so I went to the company-owned store.
I was told that the shop is basically for restaurants only, but if I could drop by, I could talk with them about the stores and restaurants that are strong in Tomiou and many other things!
I was afraid to enter the shop because I am from a bad part of Osaka, but they were very kind and the sake was cheap.
I am a bit of a novice, but the sake is the real thing!
It has a very clean Fushimi mouthfeel!
It has a very clean Fushimi mouthfeel, with a light, refreshing flavor that flows through the mouth with a sharp, austere cut.
It also warms up nicely, and the best flavor is when it is lukewarm!
It is a perfect sake, fully equipped with all the goodness of Fushimi and priced at only a little over 1,000 yen!
It has been a long time since my last visit to Kyoto, and I am glad I had the opportunity to enjoy a good sake at Kizakura and Tomio!
Thank you General Nogi and Emperor Meiji!
I left at noon because I was still scared of the new colo, but Kyoto is great, so I will go back to Kyoto early in the morning!