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Koshinohatsume元祖雪中貯蔵 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸生貯蔵酒
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Koshino Hatsubai Original Snow-Covered Storage Junmai Daiginjo Gorgeous and fruity aroma and the mellowness of being stored in the snow. The taste is light, but has a delicious flavor. It is delicious when served well chilled in a wine glass. === Ingredients: Rice(Domestic), Rice malt(Domestic) Alcohol content: 16 degrees Sake degree: +2.5 Acidity: 1.3 Rice Polishing Ratio: 50 Rice type:Gohyakumangoku chilled, room temperature In 1987, we were the first in Japan to try storing sake in the snow. The average temperature is 0 degrees Celsius, the humidity is 100%, and there is no air convection. The stored sake has a fruity ginjo aroma and the freshness of new sake. The freshness of the new sake is kept, but the hardness is removed. while retaining the freshness of new sake and a mellow taste. 720ml 3,300yen === ★★★★☆