SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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An unconventional drink. Since it was described as a 2017 bye from the sake brewing process, I thought it might have a special flavor and acidity, but it seemed relatively easy for anyone to drink. For some reason, the label, which symbolizes the sake brewing and the dragonfly, arouses a nostalgic feeling and we never get tired of looking at it. If you drink it cold or at room temperature, there is something lacking in it, so we tried it warmed up and it was very good. This was a monster. When I tried it with the strong tasting hormone, the fatty flavor was offset and the taste was mild. Cheese and freshwater fish would also go well with this dish. I would recommend it to anyone who has trouble choosing a sake or doesn't want to make a mistake, but the lack of distinctive features will not be popular with connoisseurs. ⚫︎Rating 3.0 / 5.0