SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Come on, let's go for the second drink! I'm more interested in the unfamiliar brand name on the cold storage than the one on the menu. I ask the manager. On the wall, there's an electric light, and it's today's recommendation. Then, let's compare it with the next-door neighbor's "Anointed Enemy"! May I? No problem. I was wondering if I could have half of each? Yes, please. Apparently, it's a private brand of a store in Kitakyushu. We were told that it is made by the Aihara Sake Brewery, which brews Amego no Tsuki in Hiroshima! We started with the manager's recommendation! Junmai Daiginjo, so easy to drink! Tastes like pears! A little hard? A little hard? We started comparing while sipping on salted fish from Thailand! Knowledge The reason for the sake name "Denko Ishibka" comes from the title of the movie "Denko Ishibka no Otoko" starring Keiichiro Akagi, a Nikkatsu star of yesteryear. *On a rare occasion, I forgot to take a picture of the endorsement. Sake-no-Iwa submission, only 10 Denko-Seokka in the past. I borrowed the endorsement photo!