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September 8 memorandum. Another autumn sake, Higashitsuru no Jitsuri ✨. This sake is made by the Higashi Tsuru Sake Brewery in Taku City, Saga Prefecture. It's a fire-brewed version of "Aoao" 😊. I went to the liquor store to buy a chilled one. This one should be served at room temperature or lukewarm. The aroma of the sake's traditional sake yeast yeast yeast is delicious. I went home and opened the bottle. Although it is fire-aged, it has enough gas to give it a pleasant acidity and The pleasant acidity and the umami of the rice spread 😊. The aroma is even more pronounced when warmed to lukewarm. It is too delicious 😭. I thought I prefer Higashitsuru to be drunk well chilled, but I shouldn't be so sure. I shouldn't make assumptions😅. And the liquor store that tells you its best drinking. You can trust them 🍶. Thanks for the treat 😋.