SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Matsumidori純米吟醸 PETILLANT S.tokyo純米吟醸
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Speaking of weekend fun... Sake opening 😊! So...I opened a bottle of sake that a friend gave me that I can't get locally! Mmmmmm! Rather than a ginjo aroma... it smells quite a bit like white wine and doesn't feel like sake! When poured into a wine glass, it has a slight effervescence and tastes quite similar to a sparkling white wine 😍. It has a light spiciness on the tongue when you put it in your mouth and it tastes like it can be enjoyed on its own 😆. To be honest, I didn't have an image of Kanagawa sake 🍶, so this tastes like I expected it to be! I'd be happy to repeat the experience... but I can't get it locally 😢. Day 2 report: 🗒️ The wine is still a white wine that is easy to drink with a little more umami (flavor) although the spiciness is lessened 🍸. The light bitterness of sake🍶 which I didn't notice much on the first day, can be felt in the aftertaste. Personally, I think I like it better the first day 😍.