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田中 楽田中 楽
Suigei Check-in 1
田中 楽
This sake was given to me at a "review party" and "birthday party" after watching a baseball game with friends in August 2018. The place was a salted hormone restaurant in Oimachi, but since it was not served here, I will omit the location. Drunken Whale" is made by "Drunken Whale Brewing Company" in Kochi City. I didn't take a picture of the label because it came in a box, so here is the data I found on the Internet. ************************************************************** Specifications: Sake/Junmai Daiginjo Brewer: Drunken Whale Brewing Company, Nagahama, Kochi City Rice: Matsuyama Mitsui (Polishing ratio 50%) Recommended way to drink:Cold sake Sake meter: +2.5 Acidity: 1.65 Alcohol content: 16%.