SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hanamura純米 陸羽田純米
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🚴‍♀️ For an extra 1,000 yen, you can have all the sake you can drink in this 4th picture. Oh, the ones I just posted are all from this menu 😅. You can have refills, so I drank two of my favorites. Hanayu~🌸 I also drank Hiragana Takachiyo and Chiebijin. It's a choice of all sweet and tasty. Naturally, everyone drank like idiots. I slept standing up on the train on the way home😅. I'm glad I made it home safely. I can charter the place for 12 people but the place is not great and I will probably get banned 😆 I will go with my company people. Drinking with people from my company this Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All different members. This is awesome, me 😆.
Good morning, Ane-san! I've heard a lot about Kiyo Masamune, a new brand from Koroh, but it seems to be only available in Kumamoto, so I guess I'll just have to snap it up 😥. I've heard that it's only available in Kumamoto 😳.
Hi bouken 😃 I have been drinking the one sent to me from Kumamoto... and I enjoyed it so much that I got it again 😃. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more information on where to get it 😆.