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Hououbiden出羽高畠 亀の尾純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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和酒処天ぷら たかさん
Drinking Comparison Part 4 Ho-oho Mita Dewa Takabatake Kame-no-o Made with Kame-no-o from Takahata, Yamagata Prefecture, which is famous for its wine! I remember once comparing the taste of taro stew (Nairiku style and Shonai style) while sipping a glass of wine at a winery 😊. You may think it's surprising that wine and imoni go well together ❗️. Especially the Inland style, the beef flavor and the astringent taste of red wine are the best match 👍👍 Oh, I can do it ❗️ This was a review of sake 💦. This one is also refreshing and clear! Sweet and sour taste of white grapes with delayed bitterness. The bitterness is dominant👍 Compared to the Hatsushibori, this one has a stronger bitterness and a sharp impression. But they are both delicious 😁.
Good evening here too😃 It's a luxury to compare Houou Mita 😁. Come to think of it, I haven't had Kame-no-o's Houou Mita yet 😭. Takabatake is famous for wine 🤔. My father loves wine so I drink it from time to time 😁.
Good morning, etorannzyu 😃. I really prefer Edel, Kuzumaki and Shiwa to Takahata, but there is a big difference in name recognition💦. Your father likes wine 🍷❗️. Surprising 😁.