SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
霧降オーガニック ナチュール
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Domaine method, Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture. Completely additive-free, made from rare ancient rice instead of sake brewing rice. Organic Kame-no-o, 90% polished rice. Slowly and painstakingly growing natural yeast, and the wooden vat brewing is excellent. Tochigi is a place I have deep feelings for, having moved to the area for a bit as a child. Where I lived, the winters were bitterly cold and there was a strong gale. The strong north wind from Watarase used to scare me as a child. I wonder how difficult it is to live in Japan with its high temperatures, humidity, and frequent natural disasters. Delicious. This is my favorite.
Good evening, marumaruo 😃. I see that you used to live here 🤗 and I'm so happy that you can enjoy drinking good sake 😌. Keep up the natural Tochigi love 🥰😆.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌛Senkou is interesting and addicting: ☺️ I'm glad you're having a peaceful day, as you said.