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Mutsuhassenミドリラベル 火入特別純米
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All the rice used for brewing is from Aomori Prefecture, and this is a pure Aomori brand sake made with Aomori original yeast and famous water from Kanisawa. The "Hiyaoroshi" sake is stored for a summer after it is first heated Color: Transparent-leaning bright yellow barberry (Amur corker) Scent : Melon-like aroma Taste: Although it's labeled as "sparkling," there's a cheerful 'clunk' upon opening the bottle. There are some fine bubbles in the glass. The aroma is of melon, but the mouth aroma is of banana. The aroma was lightly sweet and the bitterness was clean and strong. [Details] Rice : Hanabusuki (koji rice), Masashigura (Kakegawa rice) Rice polishing ratio: 55% koji rice, 60% rice on rice Alcohol content: 16%. (See official website for product information)