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Kamonishiki荷札酒 備前朝日 純米大吟醸 淡麗フレッシュ純米大吟醸
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Kamo Nishiki Kamonishiki Kamonishiki Packaged Sake Bizen Asahi Junmai Daiginjo Tanrei Fresh #Kamonishiki Shuzo #Niigata Prefecture Tank No.134 Alcoholicity 15 Sake acidity unknown Rice polishing 50 Body condition 0 Rice: 80% Asahi grown in Okayama #Open date unknown The taste is similar to Tsukihaku, but lighter. It is fresh, crisp, and goes down smoothly. You will never get tired of drinking it. It is not at all bland, but rather fruity and soft, with a clear impression. It is also delicious with rice, making it an excellent accompaniment to meals. For date appropriate record 2024 sake out drinking 100th cup (misc. count)