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Azumatsuru冬支度 おりがらみ生純米生酒おりがらみ
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熊谷 朋之
The last one is Higashitsuru Winter Preparation Origara-mi Nama. No, really, the Higashitsuru series are all delicious. When you open the bottle and pour it into a glass, it has a wonderful shwash! 😁. The beauty of sweetness spreading in the mouth. I can well understand why the owner of Yokouchi Sake Shop strongly recommends it! 🙋 I drank this after a 2 day interval with Kame no Kai, and I was so close to drinking this one that my wife found it and took it away from me. 😅 It was very tasty! 🎉 So, I got over the side effects of shingles in one day. It's just 3:30 am, probably because I slept too much and had a sleep over. I'm going to try to sleep one more time. Good night. 🙋