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Taxi Driver純米原酒 仕込みⅨ號 H30BY純米原酒
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Tonight, our first series of impactful jackets here 💁. It's Taxi Driver🚕🚕🚕🚕. It was shipped from the brewery in April this year, but what a H30BY (R0BY) and it's a 5 year aged sake 😆. The aroma of old sake, which also smells like Shaoxing wine, is in full swing from the moment the bottle is opened 🤣. It was served cold, but it is easy to drink because of its acidity. It would be good to drink it warmed up in the fall. ☺️ I wonder if it would go well with Chinese food since it has a Shaoxing sake-like flavor, and I'm going to research how to drink it based on other sakewa reviewers 💪. But it's a very intoxicating drink so I'll stop after one cup 😓.