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Musubi Yui特別純米酒 きたしずく 生酒
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♪♪♪♪♪ This is one of the same specs as when it won the first Grand Prix at the 2021 Sake Made with Hokkaido Rice Awards! Of course, the one back then was brewed in Ibaraki... This is the Sanzen Sakura Ver! When I bought it, the store owner advised me, "The Sanzen Sakura is stronger right after the bottle is opened, but after a day, it will be much closer to Yuki! She advised me "It's the difference of the brewing water", so I put it into practice! Ah, it's true that you can tell it's a "Sanzen Sakura" just after the bottle is opened! ←Is this true? I'm not sure. And when I let it sit for a day... Oh, no wonder! It's Yuki! ←Is it true? It's me! I'm glad I took the advice of the store owner this time! I'm sure it tastes good no matter which way you drink it!
Good evening, Miyabi 😃. I tend to feel that way when you teach us 😆 I too am led to preconceived notions of taste by the color of the label 😅 but I'm sure the lady at the liquor store is right 👍.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I'll be guided W. I'm so indecisive. I have great confidence in the sister in the store because she is probably a sales professional! I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I'm not sure. I'm a self-deprecating person. Do you know the difference? I ask myself "Do you know the difference?