This sake was made by that brewer who said, "We want to make delicious sake that only we can make with local edible rice.
It is a lightly cloudy sparkling sake inspired by a cloudy sky.
It has a sweet and sour taste that is becoming a characteristic of Shirakikyu.
It is a very easy-to-drink sake with a sweet and sour taste that is becoming a characteristic of "Shirakiku".
The cute label design is available at ☂️,
The Tango region is known for its "uranashi," or sudden changes in the weather, which means "don't forget your umbrella even if you forget your lunch box.
It means "Don't forget your umbrella even if you forget your lunch box.
I drank a bottle of it right away, remembering how I was stuck in Kameoka city in Kyoto prefecture all night long due to heavy snowfall during a family vacation 2 years ago. 😅
Hi Ham, good evening 😃.
Sweet and sour schwarzwine 😍we're the perfect one 😋 and the hard 😅memories of the family trip will be a great snack too 🤗.