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The aroma of this fantastic sake is slightly sweet. The mouthfeel is also hot, though you would expect it to be gentle. The label also says it is soft on the palate with a firm aftertaste. It has a strong aftertaste. The label also says, "Soft on the palate with a firm aftertaste. Is that why? When you drink it, The feeling of it passing through your nose makes you drunk. Is this really 14 degrees? It is. It has a strong aftertaste. The aftertaste is very strong. The next day after opening the sealed bottle, the alcohol taste in your nose will be loosened up, the alcohol content may be more than 14%. It has sweetness, but it also has fullness, It is sweet, but it also has a full-bodied, intoxicating feeling. It is delicious, but it is a very intoxicating sake.