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Matsunokotobuki純米吟醸 地味なマツコト純米吟醸生詰酒
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I have never seen this before. Like Ryoseki, this bottle has a black label. This is the fourth time I've seen Matsunohisu at the restaurant! Different sub-brand every time! This one seems to be a new product. It tastes a little sweeter than Ryoseki! We started off with a Junmai Ginjo comparison: ▶️ There is also a sake called "HADE na MATSUKOTO *Our ratio Knowledge Alcohol content: 16 Sake degree: +1.5 Acidity: 1.8 Rice used: Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio: 55 Yeast: "ND-6", a humble Tochigi Prefecture yeast