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Senkinハローワールド by サケラボトーキョー 3rd原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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This is the third installment of Sentori Hello World, a PB from Sakaelabo Tokyo in Kita-ku, Tokyo. The 2nd Sentori based on Snowball was so good that I had to get the 3rd one on the first day of pre-ordering. I was told that the 3rd was a brushed-up version of the 1st, which is based on Modern Sentori Solid, so I thought I would be able to taste the atmosphere of the 1st. It was poured into a glass and appeared to be a thin, slightly cloudy wine. It is hard to tell from the appearance, but when you drink it, you can certainly feel the gasiness. It is fresh and lush, with a sweet and sour taste that is typical of Senkyoku. The complex flavors of rice, lactic acidity, bitterness, and astringency, which come from the light nigori, are added to the freshness, freshness, and sweet and sourness that is typical of Sentori. It has a taste that is satisfying enough on its own, but it also has the nostalgia of being able to be paired with fresh fish carpaccio, cheese, cured ham, potato salad, and deep-fried foods. This nostalgia may be inherited from Modern Sentori, which is the base of the wine. I have no experience with Modern Sentori, but I have heard rumors that it has been discontinued, so I think I need to get a bottle as soon as possible, along with the Classic Sentori.
Hi Hori 😃 We've only had the first batch 🥲 but we're sure it's delicious 😍Senkou is going to revamp their lineup, so you might want to try the current one 😙.
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby 😊. We are looking forward to the new lineup, but to experience the evolution of Senkou (Edo back?), it's better to know the current one. to experience the current one is still good to know 🍶.