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KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT さがびより原酒生酒無濾過
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I found myself in my third Koei Kiku. This time it is Snow Crescent. This is the second bottle of Snow Crescent, but the first one is Yamadanishiki, and this time it is from Agabiyori. The rice is different. I have never tasted Sagabiyori before, so I looked it up and found out that it is not a rice for sake brewing. The carpenter who was involved in the brewery's reconstruction had grown Sagabiyori at his house and decided to use it as sake rice because it was so tasty. Although I did not directly compare the two bottles, I felt that they were from the same brand and had the same taste system. When tasting only the supernatant, it has a fresh mouthfeel with a gaseous sensation, sweetness, acidity, and at the same time, a woody atmosphere like a barrel aroma. When the lingering bitterness is added, it tastes like grapefruit squash. When the lees are mixed, the flavor of rice and lactic acidity are added, and the taste becomes mellower and more complex, with more depth. Again, I was tasting the flavors to make sure I was tasting the right elements, and I was almost out of the 4-gou bottle. Next time, it might be better to buy a bottle. The inside of the glass is water.