SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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YOMOYAMA NAGANO in Osaka㉘ The booth of Hokko Masamune. The northernmost brewery in the prefecture, located on the border with Niigata Prefecture in one of Japan's heaviest snowfall areas. The booth was next to 59 breweries, and some of their products were already out of stock. We had no time to waste, so we rushed to taste the sake. Hokko-Masamune Kinmon-Nishiki Special Junmai The impression was clear and refreshing. It has a clear and refreshing impression, with a slight umami taste and a crisp, slightly dry aftertaste. Hokko Masamune Autumn Yamahai Junmai 80 This is a low-polishing, Yamahai-aged autumn vintage. The acidity characteristic of Yamahai is gentle and the umami of the rice is strong. I was surprised that it was already in the fall. The chairman of Masumi was in the middle of greeting the guests on the stage, but we rushed to one more booth.