SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I used to buy them at an antenna store in Fukushima. It is a favorite place to buy Madooru and Musha Sembei, but it also has a wide selection of sake and I never get tired of coming here 😌. When I opened the bottle and poured it, the aroma was fruity and mellow, like grapes. The mouthfeel is light, but soon after, the round and full flavor of junmai (junmai rice) spreads through your mouth. The sake itself is smooth and silky, but the taste and texture are more on the rich side. There is a slight sweetness in the umami acidity, and the slightly milky overtone of the aroma reminds me personally of yogurt ✨. The little bit of Tsurugajo castle that can be seen in the background is one of the high points of this bottle, in my opinion. I think I'll buy sake made by my relatives once in a while!