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Ubusuna山田錦 五農醸生酛生酒
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I opened a bottle of Sancho, which I sometimes want to drink very much. The lot came out around March, but I let it sit for a long time. Is it getting stronger or weaker? Is it getting weaker? Which is it? I removed the guard, and the bottle automatically opened with a strong "Supon" sound! The bottle automatically opened strongly. The aroma is grape? and a little like a lactic acid drink. When I took a sip, I was surprised to find that it was a little bit strong! I knew it was stronger than I expected! It is not as yogurt-like as the aroma. It has the usual grapefruit-like sourness, but it is also deliciously sweet and dry. I think I can somehow sense the difference in the rice, but my tongue can't tell the difference in the farm brewing... I'd like to compare the two sometime soon.