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AkabuSnow 2023 Xmas生酒おりがらみ
タッチたっちI opened it now, but I wanted to drink it before the end of the year. It smells and tastes like melon or muscat on the tongue. It also has a petitiveness and is really fruity 😱Thank you Akabu. I look forward to next year. I also wish you good health and many delicious drinks next year. 🤲
えりりんTouchy-touchy, konbanhar (o´Ω`o)n~~~! I'm saving it to compare it with the one released next month😁. I hope to drink lots of good sake next year 🙏💭💗. Have a great new year 😉.
タッチたっちGood evening Eririn-san. I too am looking forward to your release this month. I look forward to working with you again this year. I'll be looking forward to it.