From Kochi Prefecture, Kameizumi Shuzo...
Kameizumi Junmai Daiginjo Genshu (CEL-24)
Junmai Daiginjo-genshu brewed with 50% polished Hachitan-Nishiki produced in Hiroshima Prefecture and using CEL-24, a yeast developed in Kochi Prefecture, which is also used in the sake's name!
It has a fruity aroma reminiscent of pineapple and apples, with a hint of sweet and sourness, and is reminiscent of a sweet white wine with a strong acidity.
Although it is a fire-aged sake, it is heated to 60℃ at once and cooled down to 10℃ in only one second by a high-performance heat sterilization equipment, which minimizes damage to the sake quality and maintains the "fresh and fruity" quality as good as that of unpasteurized sake (o^^o).
The taste is very sweet, but the perfect balance of sweetness and sourness, low alcohol content for a pure sake, and a nice aftertaste that does not run out of sweetness make it easy to drink.
It is recommended to chill it well.
Rice used: ・・・・ Hachitan-Nishiki produced in Hiroshima Prefecture
Polishing ratio・・・50
Alcohol content・・・14度
Sake meter degree・・・・・(Great sweetness)
Yeast used・・・Kochi yeast CEL-24