SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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More sour than I expected. Fluffy, wafting alcohol. Soft on the palate. But a little tingly. Really faint carbonation on the palate. It may be because the bottle was just opened. Recently, I noticed that different sake rice tastes very different. I would like to try different sake rice to find my favorite. For now, Yamada-Nishiki is the best. This time the Yamada-Nishiki was from the Tojo district of Hyogo Prefecture. It was something different from what I expected. The usual gorgeous aroma was not so strong. It also tasted a bit young. Maybe it's just my imagination. Maybe it's because I'm not feeling well. It seemed sour for a Sharaku. It doesn't have the sweetness of Junmai Ginjo. I felt it would taste better if I waited for it to lose its energy a little more. I will drink it again tomorrow. I will try not to drink too much today.