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Narimasa純米吟醸 しぼりたて純米吟醸生酒おりがらみにごり酒
@水橋2024 Spring Evening - Tasting New Sake - 7 Narimasa Junmai Ginjo Shiboritate Premium It is post-fermented in the bottle, and is dry and shwashy. I think everyone at Sake-no-wa will definitely like it. Maybe it is not yet a national standard.
ジェイ&ノビィGood evening, @Mizuhashi 😃. Narimasa! I've never heard of this brand before, but I'm curious about this one 🤗I don't know if they sell it near me 😅I'll buy it if I see it 👍.
@水橋Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. I'm sure you'll like it, if you can't find it, please let me know. We'll send it to you via cool delivery 😀.