SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I stopped by Hashimoto Sake Brewery on my way to Yamanaka Onsen last year. The store is a bit like a museum, and you can learn a lot from the easy-to-understand explanations about the rice polishing ratio and the process of making sake. I was not able to taste the sake because I was the handle keeper, but the president recommended a lot of sake and my family was getting drunk (sweat). I drank it cold, but it was still dry. When I heated it up, it became soft, mellow, and easy to drink. The color is quite amber, so the polish may be shallow. Personally, I think drinking it at room temperature or hot is the right way to go. I like to drink sweet sake cold, but I'm starting to think it would be nice to drink dry sake hot ( ˘ω˘ ).
Good morning, Mr. Miyazoe* Interesting label with an APA President-esque punch* A brewery museum would be nice!
Good evening, Miki. It's true that APA *\(^o^)/* doesn't have curry. They didn't have curry, but.... It was a difficult place to get to without a car, but the brewery left an impression of being homey in a good way.