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Moriguchi Keihan Department Store Sake Festival (9) You can find this sake at Popular Ichi-haya, and you can also find it at Yodobaya, where it is labeled as a collaboration with Tsuburaya Productions. They are particular about using wooden vats made entirely of Yoshinosugi cedar. They are particular about using all Yoshino cedar wooden vats, and there are no more wooden vats being made. Popular Ichi Junmai Ginjo Natsusei It is refreshing but has a sticky texture on the tongue. It is rather sweet and delicious. Popular Ichi Modern Classic Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama Easy to drink, full of flavor and richness. Popular Ichi Rice Magic Sparkling Red A gold medal-winning sake in the premium sparkling category at the Wineglass Delicious Sake Awards 2024. It is made from ancient rice and has 8% alcohol by volume and -70% sake. It is sweet and sour, but the secondary fermentation in the bottle keeps it from being too sticky and sweet. Popular Ichi Wooden Oke Brewing Ginjo. Low impact and not very memorable 💦. Popular Ichi Kuropopia Junmai Ginjo Not my favorite, not much umami. I asked if they had any Tsuburaya Productions labeled sake. When I asked if they had any Tsuburaya Productions label, they went to the back of the booth and gave me a pamphlet 😁.