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YOMOYAMA NAGANO in Osaka㉔ Honkin] booth. One of the five Suwa breweries. The production volume is a little over 100 koku. The toji, Tsunetaro Miyasaka, has been the 9th generation brewer since 2008. Two years after taking over as toji, he was diagnosed with ALS, an intractable disease. He battles the disease while brewing delicious sake. Honkin is available at Hata Sake Shop, and when I mentioned Hata Sake Shop, he said he was there just now. Honkin Junmai Yamae Nishiki. The sake level is -3. The acidity is strong and in harmony with the umami. Honkin Junmai Ginjo Omachi Sake meter rating -1. Honkin Junmai Daiginjo Miyamanishiki Sake meteria -2. Slightly bitter aftertaste from the clear umami. All of them are sweet, but the acidity is well balanced so that they do not become too sweet. I will buy and drink some more.