Tamagawa Junmai-shu Yamahai Harazake
Naturally brewed series
I always drink "Tamagawa" unfiltered raw sake.
It has a sweet-amami-sour punch that is very addictive.
I love it.
It's different from the usual, but it's naturally brewed.
I found a bottle of 2019BY on sale.
I saw the 2019BY on sale and bought it thinking it was a natural vintage.
I thought I'd get it.
It is very amber in color. It's an old wine, so the acidity and the intensity of the flavor are quite good.
It tastes better after about a week than on the first day.
As one would expect from a strong Tamagawa, it does not lose its strength.
The specs are 20 to 21 degrees and it is very drinkable, so even though I think it is only available on weekends, I can't help myself from drinking it because it is so tasty.