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Jikonきもと 赤磐雄町 火入2022生酛
KumakichiComparison of Akitsu Yamadanishiki and Akaban Omachi Jikin Kimoto Akaban Omachi Hiiri 2022 We compared Banshu Yamadanishiki to Jikin Akitsu Yamadanishiki, and also Jikin Akaban Yumachi which was released on the same day! I had an image that OMACHI was sweeter and more delicious than YAMADA-NISHIKI! I had an image that Omachi was sweeter than Yamadanishiki, but the acidity of Jikin's sake was more pronounced! However, it is not a bad sourness, but a mild sweetness and a beautiful sourness that is felt for a long time at the same time when you take a sip! And the aroma of the wooden vat that lingered faintly was delicious! Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 14.5