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Aizumusume純米吟醸 うすにごり 雪がすみの郷純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
Aizumusume Check-in 1
Aizumusume Check-in 2Aizumusume Check-in 3
This is Yukigasumi no Sato from Takahashi Shosaku Sake Brewery in Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture. It is a raw sake with a rice polishing ratio of 55%. It has a clear orikarami appearance with just a hint of orikari. The aroma is modest, with a sense of roundness from the rice. In the mouth, the rounded sweetness of koji and gentle acidity gradually spread, making the sake warming and heartwarming. I like sake with a sense of attack, but this kind of gentle sake that gradually permeates the body is not bad. It was the kind of sake that gently envelops you and makes you want to enjoy it on a cold, snowy day in your hometown, sitting under a warm kotatsu while looking out the window at the snowy, misty scenery. Thank you very much for your hospitality.