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Gakki Masamune無加水本醸造中取り無濾過
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There was a sizzling sound when the bottle was opened. The initial aroma was sugary. When you drink it, it is juicy, sweet, and has a pleasant bitterness that is clear and crisp. This is delicious. The nose has a fruity grape-like aroma. It is good both on its own and during a meal. It goes well with nori bento and nori cheese and wasabi. As you continue drinking it, it starts to taste quite sweet. The grape taste lingers on the tongue in the aftertaste, similar to the grape taste of Isobojiman Honjozo and Yawakemae Junmai Daiginjyo Yamae Nishiki, which we drank at Nobuta. When it is quite chilled, it also feels like something from Akabu. Good cosmetics. my favorite Domestic rice Polishing ratio: Koji rice 60%, Kake rice 66 Alcohol 16%.