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Akabu純米吟醸 NEWBORN
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I bought it before last winter and was hesitant to drink it, but to my surprise I let it sit until before GW (lol). I had a bottle of Akabu Junmai Ginjo NEWBORN. The aroma on the nose is still fruity, like apples 😊I love this aroma ❤. When I put it in my mouth, the juicy, delicious sweetness fills my mouth👍. This is delicious! I remember when I drank it last term, it was a bit more bubbly and fresh, but 、、、、 time has passed and it might already be in the mature stage lol. But the flavor is rich and mild on the palate. This is seriously delicious ✌! The other day, a liquor store posted that Sake Mirai in Akabu had sold it, and when I went there that same evening, they said it was sold out. Akabu's popularity must be scary~(@_@) I don't think I'll be able to drink Sake Mirai again this year 😢.
enoshima-san konban-ha(o´o)no~~! I've decided to pre-order and buy the Akabu 😊. I gave up on Sake Mirai because I bought too much 🍶 this month 🥺.
Good evening, Erin 😊. There is no place near my place where you can reserve akabu 😢I guess I'm trying to catch them with akabu and get them to come to my store. I know you drank sake last year 🎵I'm so jealous 😊.