SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Gakki Masamune別撰 生詰特別本醸造
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桜本商店 円山
Bessen Namazume I had a busy three-day weekend with lots to do... but in between, I got to go buy some sake! It's been a while since I've bought anything 💦. I don't have any money... Masamune is my favorite sake, but This Bessen Namazume...not so good for me. Bitterness? and the strong And I didn't like the aroma that lingered in my nose. I prefer the blue label fresh bottles I drank before. alcohol16 The first time I went to the restaurant was on March 22, 2022. I left it a day and drank it and it is easier to drink.... Better than yesterday ❤︎.