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Bojimaya兎心 WHITE 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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I was scared to open the bottle because it had a warning on it, but I opened it without any problem. The aroma was sour, alcoholic, and a little apple? When I sipped it...well, it wasn't very shwashy, which was a letdown. Should I have drunk it a little earlier? There is a little bit of a squashy taste, a chilli taste from the apple-like acidity, a bitter taste, and grapes in the aftertaste. There is a slight umami. When mixed, the sweetness of the grape seems to increase a little. The deep sweetness and umami are enveloped by a slight carbonation. The final taste is a refreshing "jyun", and the beer feels 17 degrees Celsius for a short while before disappearing. As the day goes by, the taste becomes more balanced and refreshing. It has the umami of rice and a little more fruity sweetness than the Jyuseki we had the other day. Personally, I think it tastes like grapes. However, it is not too sweet, so I was able to continue drinking it with snacks and enjoyed it.