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アル・プラザ つかしん
Light and refreshing, but with a hint of sweetness. There is not much lingering flavor. The 4th picture is the shelf of the supermarket where I bought it. It's in Amagasaki, but the Itami promotion is great😳Well, it's partly because it's on the border of the city of Itami🙄. By the way, what kind of sake is Itami Laomatsu? Processor (buy sake from another company, add water and adjust it, and bottle it in-house) Seller (only sales are outsourced to other companies. Some products may have a label on the bottle. Some products have a label of the manufacturer) Manufacturer (maybe they manufacture it themselves?) The fact that there are these three patterns is a mystery. Before, there were only the top two, but recently, some products have the manufacturer's label 🤔. I wonder if they have resumed in-house manufacturing for some products only.
Rafa papa
Good morning bouken😃 Do the breweries in Itami not make their own sake 😳⁉️ I hope some breweries will make their own sake 😌I would like to try their own sake if it is made by their own company... 😋.
Hi Rafa 😃 Hakusetsu makes their own sake in Itami 😊. I have a feeling that some of them don't make it and some seem to make it but I'm not sure 😅I might get erased if I probe too much 🤣.