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Kimoto no Dobu生酛にごり酒
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Just finished a Sanuki Kuraudei. I saw the brother next to me and ordered the same muddy one again😅. Nara Soriryu's well-known kamishioke dobu! It's also nigori, but dry and not sweet at all! The exact opposite of what I had just had 😆. I drank it with ice and soda. Merged with ice and soda, it's delicious! It's so refreshing and refreshing, it's perfect for summer. The guy next to me said he recommends drinking it with beer. Dobu Beer💦. I've never heard of it before! Sounds delicious 😮! This time I also had a rare beer from Okayama and Kagawa that I've been wanting to try for a long time! Koti brewery Naked Ale from deep in the mountains of Okayama Bizen City! This beer is fermented with natural yeast from the air, fermented in the bottle, and aged in the bottle. https://www.instagram.com/koti_brewery Seto Inland Sea Hisafuku Brewing Okayama Shimizu Hakuto🍑 Weizen and Okayama Muscat🍇 Saison by Kufuku Brewing, brewed on the main island of Setouchi, a remote island in Kagawa Prefecture. https://www.instagram.com/kyufuku_brewing_honjima Great beers! Try them if you see them!